My best friend and I lived together during COVID. Completely Yahtzee’d out, we turned to a very old hobby, scrapbooking. It’s been well over a decade since I was deep in this hobby so a lot of memories have piled up. A book for our trip to...
A cautionary tale The weather finally turned to double digits this week! As I sat at my desk facing the window and watching the sunshine hit the water, I decided to go for a walk. From my new digs, I walk 15 minutes along the river, cross the street...
You ever meet someone who skips the small talk and goes straight for the hard sell?Like – you’d never walk up to someone new at a networking event and say … Hey I’m Dawn. Your suit is pretty nice but did you know that it doesn’t fit you as well as it...
My son turns 18 today which is a big enough deal, but it’s also our provincial election and he gets to vote for the first time ever. Last week, his dad asked me to send some gift suggestions and here’s a recap of yesterday’s text convo. Him: There’s only...
Last night’s snow and ice storm was supposed to start at 1 PM. Then they said 4pm. Then 6pm. *eye roll* By the time the first snowflake finally hit the ground at 8 PM, I had already run through every possible outcome in my head—power outages, buried...
I’m going to paraphrase an email I read this week. Too many mainstream “popular” people’s emails aren’t as good as mine – they have horrible formatting and aren’t as entertaining and real. She’s right. I look forward to every one of her emails even when I...
Remember when TikTok went dark for 12 hours? Easy to make fun of it now, but for those whose income relied on that platform, it was anything but funny. I’m gonna scream this out one more time for those in the back. Just because you have an audience doesn’t mean you...
We have a fitness room in my building. Nothing fancy. A couple cardio machines, an all-in-one machine and a bunch of free weights. I moved in October 15th and found that people love the elliptical, bikes and treadmill but almost no one uses the...
I spent 20 minutes writing out my uncensored and not-so-nice feelings about my client’s team where “fuck this” and “bullshit” were heavily sprinkled. Of course, the exercise was only meant for my eyes – to get the anger...
Has anyone ever told you WHAT to do but you have no flipping idea how to go about it? Even if you were told you HOW to do something – it doesn’t always help. You need to change the way you think about learning – and sometimes that means hearing...